Get Added to the BCA Business Directory

If you own a business based in Blueridge or nearby and want to make it more visible to Blueridge residents, we’re here to help. The form below requests all the data we need to add your business to our Local Business Directory. If you already have a listing and want to update it, simply tick the proper box at the top and fill out the details again.

If you have questions, use our Contact Form and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

    *** = Required Field

    New or Update - Are you submitting a new business or updating an existing business listing? ***

    Submitter Name - The person requesting the listing; only for BCA contact purposes; will not be included in the listing. ***

    Business Name - If changing a business name, provide both old and new names. ***

    Business Description - This brief description - just 1 or 2 clear sentences - will appear in your listing exactly as written here. ***

    Primary Business Type ***

    Business Phone Number ***

    Business Group - See the descriptions below; if you're not sure where Blueridge ends, check our map***

    • Located In Blueridge - Choose this if your clients come to an address in Blueridge.

    • Blueridge Owned - Choose this if the business is owned by a Blueridge resident and either has a physical location outside Blueridge or is a service business that works at the client's location.

    • Nearby Business - Choose this for a nearby business looking for customers from Blueridge.

    Business Address - This will not appear in the listing. Used only to verify elligibility to appear in the directory. ***

    Business Email Address This is the email address we will include in your listing (if requested). In addition, questions about this listing will be sent here unless you provide a different contact in the Additional Notes field. ***

    Business website

    Instagram Link

    Facebook Link

    Shared Details - Select all items to include in your listing (business name and description will automatically be included). ***

    Listing Image - Provide an image to include in your listing (JPG, PNG, or PDF format only; max size: 2MB. This will be scaled to about 120x120 pixels, so be sure it is useful and legible when scaled to that size. ***

    Additional Notes - Use this field to tell us about anything else we need to know about this business listing, or to handle unusual situations.

    Additional Social Media PublicityS - hould this business be featured in the BCA's Weekly Local Business feature on Facebook and Instagram? ***

    Only fill out the fields below if you checked "Yes" to be included in the Weekly Business Feature. If you are not currently interested in that, please skip to the bottom and click "Submit".

    What is unique about your business, or What made you chose this type of business?

    If you had one piece of advice for someone just starting out, what would it be?

    What is your most memorable experience with a customer or client?

    What are your long term business goals?

    Social Media Publicity Images - Provide 2 additional images of your business' products or services for use in the posts. Max 2MB each, format JPG, PNG, or PDF. These will be posted to Facebook and Instagram.

    We will review your submission and get back to you with questions if we have them. If everything is right we'll add your business to our directory soon.

    While we strive to add new business listings quickly, we cannot promise any particular turnaround time on them. Use the Contact Form choice to send us questions or concerns if you have them.

    Do not submit copyrighted images. All images provided must be suitable and legal for the BCA to publish. By submitting them, you acknowledge that is the case.

    Thank you!